Young adult life can often be a wild season of change and new opportunities. Whether it be the pursuit of a college degree, the beginning of a new career, or living in a new location, change can often leave us looking for a supportive community. Our young adult ministry seeks to come alongside young adults and provide an uplifting, gospel-shaped community. Together, we can worship, grow, and serve God while navigating the young adult years. 

~ Michael Hansen, Pastor of Student Ministries

Connect With Young Adults

Our young adult ministry is called The Journey. We meet regularly on Sunday mornings for fellowship and Bible-based teaching. During the week, young adults plan all sorts of events and gatherings. For more ways to get involved in our young adult community, check out the calendar of events below. In addition, we have a young adult Groupme. This app help us connect and spontaneously plan events throughout the week. To be added to our Groupme, reach out to one of our leaders via the contact info on this page.

Young Adult Weekly Schedule

Sunday AM Room 131, 9:45-10:45am (middle hour)
During the Week Regular Gathering Time Coming Soon!

Upcoming Young Adult Events

Mar 16

12:00 PM

Church Lunch

It's time to RSVP for our Church Lunch!

Apr 13

1:00 PM

Baptism Class

Baptism classes are held at CBC 1-2 time per year. This class is in preparation for the May 25, 2025 Celebration Services.

Apr 27

12:00 PM

Church Lunch

It's time to RSVP for our Church Lunch!

May 18

12:00 PM

Church Lunch

It's time to RSVP for our Church Lunch!

May 18

12:00 PM

Congregational Meeting

Mark your calendars now for our next meeting! We will have updates on finances, ongoing ministries, as well as lots more!

May 25

8:30 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Babies through Adults)

Jul 6

8:30 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Babies through Adults)

Aug 3

9:30 AM

Ministry Fair

Explore opportunities to serve and support our 40+ ministries. Find a place to connect and grow. Make a difference in the lives of our church family.

Aug 10

9:30 AM

Ministry Fair

Explore opportunities to serve and support our 40+ ministries. Find a place to connect and grow. Make a difference in the lives of our church family.

Aug 31

8:30 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Babies through Adults)

Sep 7

8:30 AM

Fall Kickoff

Ministries are re-starting and fall is in the air...what more could you need?

Sep 21

1:00 PM

Baptism Class

Baptism classes are held at CBC 1-2 time per year. This class is in preparation for the May 25, 2025 Celebration Services.

Sep 28

12:00 PM

Annual Meeting

Join us to reflect on the past year's journey and share a meal as a church family.

Dec 24

3:00 PM

Christmas Eve Services

Worship songs, a message, and a candlelit portion of worship service.

Dec 24

5:00 PM

Christmas Eve Services

Worship songs, a message, and a candlelit portion of worship service.

Young Adult Ministry Leaders

Matthew Peel
Young Adult Leader

Ruthie Bartman
Young Adult Leader

Mark Bartman
Young Adult Leader

Hannah Olson
Young Adult Leader